Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (ARC DECRA) 2018
- Amount: AUD $319,446
- Project: The human body as an antenna for a novel wireless communication technique.
- Description: The project aims to develop a novel wireless communication technique by utilizing the human body as an antenna to connect wearable electronic devices to nearby external devices. This project expects to generate a new knowledge in the area of wireless body area network using the innovative approach of applying the near-field electromagnetic energy around the human body as a wireless channel. Expected outcomes of this project include a wireless channel model that will enable the design of ultra-low-power and reliable off-body wireless link for wearable devices. This should provide significant benefits, such as, cost-effective and innovative technology of personal wireless communication in healthcare, entertainment, military, and sport.
DECRA ADR Support 2018
- Amount: AUD $60,000
- Project: The human body as an antenna for a novel wireless communication technique.
- Description: Departmental support for travel and equipment purchase
Victoria University International Research Postgraduate Scholarship (VUIRPS) 2011
- Amount: AUD $100,000 stipend
- Project: The Human Body Antenna: Characteristics and its Application
- Description: The human body has antenna characteristics that are not explored in detail to explain some phenomena involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields and the human body. In additionto this, the characterization of the human body as an antenna unlocks new applications in body area networks for low-power wireless communications by utilizing the human body itself as an antenna. The project presented a new theory for explaining the antenna characteristics of the human body in transmission and reception mode. The theory was applied to two areas of study, namely, Human Body Communication (HBC) and whole-body radio-frequency (RF) dosimetry. Based on this, a new concept was proposed to utilize the human body as an antenna for wireless implant communication.
- Achievement: During my PhD studies, I had published 9 journal articles in top ranked engineering journals, in 7 journal articles as the first author, in addition to 2 peer-reviewed conference articles and 1 book chapter.